There’s so much more to a really good (AV)
Audio -Visual system than you might think !
Audio-visual systems are not just tools; they’re critical investments that enhance the social and experiential aspects of all our specialist sectors:
By using high-quality AV equipment installed with imagination, based on over 70 yrs of experience our clients create lively, engaging, interactive environments that attract customers, engage community members, encourage longer visits, and drive increased revenue. Working with Big Screen Co we will help you,
Enhance Ambiance and Atmosphere.
Transform Entertainment and Engagement.
Improve Revenue generation.
Improve customer experience and retention
Create a competitive edge.
Improve operational efficiency
Video projection
Roll down screens
LED Screens
TV’s and Video walls
UHD Signal distribution
Digital Signage advertising
Fantastic Sound systems
Audio zoning
LED Screens
TV networks
UHD Screen Networks, app controlled
Digital Signage messaging
Audio zoning
Village Hall Cinema systems
Video Projectors
Roll down screen
Flexible multi use sound systems
Hearing loops
Additional input points
Secure equipment racks
Microphones and mixers
Projection Screen Systems
Careful unobtrusive Installation
TV’s and Monitors
Hearing Loops
Large Screens for School Halls
Sound systems for school halls
Stage Lighting
Weatherproof Sports Coaching Screens
Digital Signage systems
Information screens and networks
Interactive touch screens
Interactive Kiosks
Lecture Theatres
Conference Facilities
Education areas
Interactive and touch screen displays
Digital signage
Information Kiosks
Cinema & Entertainment Rooms
Content Streaming
laptop input points
Staff Training
Fantastic sound systems
Zoning and separate level control
Video Walls
Tv and Screen Networks
DJ Booths
Digital Signage and Advertising